Megan K. Feeley

II Marine Expeditionary Force Information Management Office Camp Lejeune, North Carolina,
United States
Ms. Megan K. Feeley gradu- ated from Liberty University in 2016 with a B.S. in Military Resiliency. In 2018 she graduated from Northeastern University with a M.A. in Homeland Security with a Strategic Intelligence Analysis Concentration. Ms. Feeley was previously employed as an Administrative Logistics Analyst and Deployment Coordinator for General Dynamics Information Technology at Camp Lejeune. Between 2015 and 2017, Ms. Feeley worked for the Department of Veteran’s Affairs at the Wilmington Health Care Clinic, in Wilmington, NC. In 2017, in collaboration with her graduate studies, Ms. Feeley interned within the Intelligence Community in Washington D.C. In March of 2018 Ms. Feeley returned to Camp Lejeune when she was hired by the II MEF Information Management Office as a Business Process Analyst in the Policy, Process and Automation division. She is proud to be employed by RTL Networks. In this role, she develops and designs applications and solutions to streamline II MEF Staff Section processes. Ms. Feeley utilizes Lean Six Sigma and Agile development methods to facilitate technical solutions which operate within a Collaborative Workspace (CWS) and SharePoint environment. In her spare time, Ms. Feeley competes in long distance road races. She is currently training for her fourth Marine Corps marathon.
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