Trevor H. Cell

Photo of Trevor H. Cell

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Richland, Washington, United States

Trevor H. Cell is a Cyber Security Analyst at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and specializes in cyber threat intelligence. Mr. Cell’s work supports information sharing of actional intelligence and emerging threats to critical infrastructure partners and the broader cyber intelligence community.  Mr. Cell graduated from the University of Texas in 2014 with a B.S. in Chemistry and from the University of Washington in 2016 with a M.S. in Materials Science and Engineering. Prior to this, Mr. Cell served in the Navy for 6 years and continues to serve in the Washington Army National Guard as a Russian Cryptologic Linguist.

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  • Journal of Information Warfare
  •  ArmisteadTEC
  • Dr Leigh Armistead, President
  • 1624 Wakefield Drive
  • Virginia Beach, VA 23455
