Darius Štitilis

Mykolas Romeris University,
Darius Štitilis has a Ph.D. in Social Science (Law), is a professor and Dean of the Faculty of Public Governance and Business at Mykolas Romeris University. Štitilis has more than 20 years experience in teaching and researching in the area of IT law (personal data protection, cybersecurity, cybercrime, legal regulation of biometrical technologies, and AI). Štitilis is also an expert with 20+ years experience in international and national research and study projects. Darius Štitilis founded and is currently the head of the study program Cybersecurity Management. One of the last international projects in the field of cyber security, in which Darius Štitilis participated, is one of the four cybersecurity pilot projects financed by the European Commission—the http://sparta.eu project. Štitilis has also contributed to the creation of the Lithuanian cyber security strategy model and was the leader and initiator of the project during which this model was created.
Journal of Information Warfare
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