T. J. (Tim) Grant

Retired But Active Researchers
Tim Grant is retired but an active scientific researcher in the fields of network-enabled command & control systems, offensive cyber operations, sense-making in novel and unexpected situations, and agent-based simulation. He has a Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Engineering (Bristol University, UK), a Master’s-level Defence Fellowship (Brunel University, UK), and a PhD in Artificial Intelligence (Maastricht University, NL). Tim’s working career covered 20 years as a military officer in the (British) Royal Air Force, 17 years consultancy experience in Atos (a global IT services supplier), and 10 years’ experience in academia (including a visiting professorship at the University of Pretoria, South Africa). His last appointment was as the Professor of Operational ICT & Communications within the Faculty of Military Sciences at the Netherlands Defence Academy (NLDA), where he led a team of five lecturers. He became a Professor Emeritus on 1 July 2012, when he founded Retired But Active Researchers (R-BAR). In 2014, together with two NLDA colleagues, Tim edited a scientific book entitled Network topology in command and control: organization, operation, and evolution.
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