Kate Cooper

Photo of Kate Cooper

College of Information Science and Technology University of Nebraska, Omaha

Kate Cooper is an Assistant Professor of Big Data in the School of Interdisciplinary Informatics at University of Nebraska, Omaha. She received her PhD in Pathology and Microbiology from the University of Nebraska at Omaha in 2013. Her background lies firmly in bioinformatics, and she specializes in the identification of actionable hypotheses using network-based analysis of genomic and proteomic ‘big’ data. Other interests include expanding these approaches to studies in public health, disaster preparedness, and strategic biodefense. Dr. Cooper has been a member of the UNO Bioinformatics research group since 2005 and has found success collaborating on a number of disease-related biomedical research projects, including but not limited to hearing, arenaviruses, HIV/AIDs, Chikungunya virus, Burkitt's lymphoma, and aging.

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  • Journal of Information Warfare
  •  ArmisteadTEC
  • Dr Leigh Armistead, President
  • 1624 Wakefield Drive
  • Virginia Beach, VA 23455

