Louise Leenen

Photo of Dr. Louise Leenen

University of Western Cape and CAIR
Cape Town, South Africa

Louise Leenen is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department at the University of the Western Cape (UWC) in South Africa. Louise completed her PhD in Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the University of Wollongong in Australia. Her research focus areas are AI applications in cybersecurity, and problem formulation and modelling. She joined UWC in 2019 after working as a Principal Researcher at the CSIR in the Cyber Defence Research Group. Leenen is a member of the Centre for Artificial Intelligence (CAIR) and leads the research group on AI and Cybersecurity. She regularly serves in various positions on committees of national and international bodies, such as the NRF, BRICS, and IFIP. She has authored or co-authored several journal publications, book chapters, and conference papers.

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  • Virginia Beach, VA 23455

