Matthieu Aubigny

iTrust Consulting
Matthieu Aubigny is an IT Security Consultant working at itrust consulting since October 2008. He is Head of R&D department and Quality Manager for itrust. As security expert, his work leads him to manage both security audit and consulting for European institutions and private companies, research projects on, for example, security for Galileo localization service, Critical Infrastructure Protection, and Privacy. He graduated as a polytechnic engineer from ENSAM Paris, with a specialisation in the electronic and automatism area; he also graduated as a Bachelor in Philosophy and as Masters in Theology at Metz University and ICP Paris, and as professional Master in Security Management of SI at University of Luxembourg. Although a large part of his professional experience has taken place in the spiritual and philosophic area, he has had experiences in microchip research, voice recognition technology, and as teacher and consultant in the computer technologies (hardware and software). His works lead him regularly to apply security standards (ISO 27fff, ISO15408) and to develop new standardised approaches to meet the needs in security of the customers. He is a member of the group of experts of the ILNAS on the Standards ISO/IEC concerning technical IT Security and in charge of the working group n°3 (JTC1/ SC27 / WG3) on security evaluation criteria . He is also technical expert for privacy framework EuroPrise.
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