The Future of Command and Control: Determining Force Readiness at the Push of a Button

Currently, force readiness within the military is not measureable, but is estimated based on manual reporting and subjective human perceptions. Due to the potential level of miscalculation, commanding officers often need to make decisions on the fly, with no clear methodology in determining the correct level of force readiness. This paper illustrates how a common data model can contribute to the automation of force readiness determination. This is enabled by Information Communication Technology automation within the command and control domain. The proposed Information Communication Technology utilisation will provide the foundation for future command and control systems based on automated formulas and algorithms, to remove subjectivity and the potential for human error from determining the force readiness of the military.

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
Pretoria, South Africa
Marthie Grobler has been working as a Cyber Security Researcher at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) since January 2008. She has a PhD Computer Science (Live Digital Forensics), and a MSc Computer Science (Information Security Governance), both from the University of Johannesburg. Her research focus is on cyber security awareness, digital evidence and standardisation, strategic data management and information security research in general. Marthie represents CSIR DPSS on ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 27 71F and is the national convenor of SABS SC 71F Workgroup 4 (Security Controls and Services). She is co-editor of ISO/IEC 27037. Marthie is an ISACA Certified Information Security Manager and is appointed as a visiting Professor at the University of Johannesburg, Academy for Computer Science and Software Engineering. She is Managing Editor of the Journal of Contemporary Management.

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Pretoria
South Africa
Jaco Robertson has been working as a Cyber Security Researcher at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) since April 2007. He has a BSc (Computer Science, Applied Mathematics) from the University of the Free State and a BSc Hons (Computer Science) from the Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit. He worked for nine years as a Software Engineer in the Telecommunications Industry.
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Journal of Information Warfare
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