Position Paper

Asymmetrical Adversarialism in National Defense Policy, The Marketplace and Personal Privacy


I once calculated, on the back of a napkin thoroughly drenched in Outback steak juice, that it takes a whole lot of paper to wage a war. I mean, a terrific amount of paper: something like 3,412.7 pieces of papers for every combatant and support soldier in the chain of command. If the war or Operation Other Than War (OOW) or a peace keeping mission carries on for more than six weeks, the paperwork jungle doubles and as the war continues into months, the paperwork increases, but at a lesser rate of bureaucratic indulgence

All of this war-fighting paper means there has to be a whole lot of paper pushers to push the paper needed to fight the war. To support the paper pushers, you have to have people to buy the paper and the pens at the right price; a price that the government would be proud to pay as long as they’re fighting a war. And of course, you have to have bean counters to count how much paper the paper pushers are pushing which is what really makes the whole war business worth doing in the first place. You see, war is a lot about paper.

Critical Infrastructures and the Human Target in Information Operations


When people speak of “targeting” in the context of Information Operations and Information Warfare, many tend to make direct analogies to kinetic warfare: Attacks on Critical Infrastructure, attacks on command - and - control centres and capabilities, attacks on computers and information systems, etc. Interest in attacking Critical Infrastructures comes easily and readily to mind, as it is generally a legacy of the sort of strategic bombing envisioned by the earliest airpower advocates and developed to a relatively high art during and since the Second World War.

Protecting the National Critical Infrastructure: The Human Dimension From a Government Perspective


The history of mankind has been punctuated by events of a seminal nature: those events which have had a profound and lasting impact upon the development of human society. The discovery of fire, the introduction of the wheel, the use of speech and writing to communicate complex ideas are all examples of those events, possibly almost trivial in themselves, which have moulded the human race. We take them for granted, along with the knowledge gleaned by Homo Sapiens collectively over the last 100,000 years. We can only guess, however, at the social upheaval and cultural havoc wrought by each of these changes as they were adopted into human society.

NATO’s Security Operations in Electronic Warfare: The Policy of Cyber Defence and the Alliance’s New Strategic Concept


The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) is evolving, both militarily and politically. In April of 2009, Allied member-states agreed to a renewed Strategic Concept to be presented in 2010. There will be a requirement of technological update against any forms of asymmetrical threats that includes electronic attacks. NATO is steadily unfolding a policy of Cyber- Defence. This paper provides the reader with the appropriate information, on what has been accomplished up to this date, in relation to NATO's network operational preparations. It examines and evaluates existing policies and recommends new ones to counter 21st century electronic warfare attacks.

Journal of Information Warfare

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  • Journal of Information Warfare
  •  ArmisteadTEC
  • Dr Leigh Armistead, President
  • 1624 Wakefield Drive
  • Virginia Beach, VA 23455

