Volume 13, Issue 1 Editorial

15 FEBRUARY 2014
I would like to wish all of our readers a Happy New Year. This is my fourth issue as the new Chief Editor of the Journal of Information Warfare, which gives me a chance to look back over the last 12 months to reflect on what we have done … and more importantly to think about where we want to go in the future. So far, we have published editions with eight great papers in each quarter, all of which were selected from a large number of very good articles. We continue to utilize a double-blind, peer-reviewed methodology to ensure academic rigor in the process; plus we have aligned ourselves very closely with the following IW annual events:
- International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security
http://academic-conferences.org/iciw/iciw2014/iciw14-home.htm - European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security
http://academic-conferences.org/eccws/ECCWS-home.htm - Australian Information Warfare Conference
All of these efforts taken together have not only greatly increased the content and quality of the journal, but they have also given our readers even more of the information and data that you desire from this publication. Our desire as the staff of JIW is to continue to maintain the professionalism of this publication as well as to bring you exciting academic papers in the future. In that vein, we are enthusiastic about the articles in this edition of the journal. This divergent set of papers was submitted by a quite diverse group of cyber professionals, who represent their respective organizations in Finland, Australia, South Africa, England, and the United States. Together, these articles illustrate the diversity of this field and the research that is currently being conducted.
In addition, I have set as one of my goals as Editor to try to be as innovative as possible. With that in mind, I’d like to share with you a recent news release about an effort that we have been working on for a few months:
Dr. Leigh Armistead, President, Peregrine Technical Solutions, along with the Information Assurance Directorate (IAD), and National Security Agency (NSA) are pleased to announce a collaborative effort for the April 2014 edition of the Journal of Information Warfare (JIW). In this special JIW issue, a number of highly technical subject matter experts from NSA will produce a unique, unclassified publication that focuses on cyber-security efforts in realizing “Confidence in Cyberspace.”
As you can imagine, this upcoming collaborative effort is a very exciting event for our staff, and so we look forward to promoting this special edition as much as possible. We will be printing extra hard-copy versions that will be available for purchase if you or your institution desires, and we can also work with you for additional subscriptions as needed. These are dynamic days in our field, and the journal is changing to keep pace with the changes and to meet your needs and requirements. We hope you like what you see in this and upcoming issues. As always, please feel free to e-mail me with any additional ideas or suggestions.
Dr. Leigh Armistead, CISSP, CDFE
Chief Editor, Journal of Information Warfare

Peregrine Technical Solutions, LLC Yorktown, VA
Dr. Leigh Armistead is the President of Peregrine Technical Solutions, a certified 8(a) small business that specializes in cyber security, and the Chief Editor of the Journal of Information Warfare. He graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy (1984), earned a master’s degree in Military History from Old Dominion University (1993), and a doctorate in Computer and Information Science from Edith Cowan University (2009). His major field of study is cyber power. He has published three books—all of which focus on the full spectrum of information warfare. He founded the International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, and the Vice-Chair Working Group 9.10–ICT Uses in Peace and War. He is a retired Naval officer.
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Journal of Information Warfare
The definitive publication for the best and latest research and analysis on information warfare, information operations, and cyber crime. Available in traditional hard copy or online.
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