I Want My Smartphone. I Want It Now. And I Want to Connect to Everything from Anywhere… Now!

Even the classified enterprise is going mobile. Trolls and Luddites cannot prevent it. But the bridge to be crossed to mobility nirvana (a secure, cheap, and user-beloved system) is still rickety with many places where one can fall into the chasm of lost data. The forces of malware, user sloth, shoddy component design, and poor system architecture are arrayed against safe passage. But one is not alone. Assisting the crossing are a number of laws requiring privacy and security measures, government programs that induce superior products, policies written for both public and private sector enterprises, standards bodies, and, most of all customers demanding security from vendors. This paper will look at the mobility mission, the threat to mobile, the secure enterprise architectures using defense in depth, the state of security in system components and how that is being improved through a number of efforts, and the impact of new technology.

Information Assurance Directorate National Security Agency
Dr. Mark L.G. Althouse is the Technical Director, Engineering, in NSA/IAD’s Trusted Engineering Solutions Directorate. He is also the IAD CIA SEAM and manager of NSA’s CRADA with Bechtel. Dr. Althouse graduated from Penn State University in 1981 with a B.S. in Physics. He received the M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Johns Hopkins University in 1988, and the Ph.D., also in EE, from the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) in 1995.
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Journal of Information Warfare
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