Volume 14, Issue 3 Editorial

JULY 2015
From an IO and Cyber Warfare aspect, it is a very interesting period. For many, attribution has always been a stumbling block with cyberattacks, but two recent events in widely divergent arenas have opened up the ability to know the identity of the individual, group, organization, or nation that probably conducted the incident. With both the hacks on Sony Pictures and the Office of Personal Management, the National Security Agency has come forward and, using its capabilities, acknowledged to the world, that North Korea and China, respectively, were responsible for these attacks. We are also seeing widespread use of perception management by ISIS, once again around the globe, through the use of social media to incite and recruit potential warriors to their cause. In all of these cases, the use of IW as a tool to conduct action from abroad has been very successful.
This journal is a forum in which we hope academics and operators can come together to research these topics and develop possible solutions to combat these threats. In addition, the cyber warfare conferences that are aligned with this publication are also great opportunities to meet like-minded colleagues to discuss and collaborate on these issues. A number of the papers in this edition came from the most recent ICCWS event at Kruger National Park last March in South Africa. Most recently, the 14th annual ECCWS was held at the University of Hertfordshire, in Hatfield, UK, earlier in July. The next academic cyber conference is in Perth, Australia, from 30 November–2 December at Edith Cowan University (the details regarding this conference are included in this issue). The paper submission deadline for this conference is 30 September, and the website is can be seen here.
Following that, the next ICCWS conference is confirmed for Boston University in March 2016. The details of that conference may be viewed here; do note that the deadline for submitting abstracts is 28 August. We look forward to seeing you at one of these events.
In the meantime, enjoy this issue of JIW; there’s much more to come! Cheers,

Peregrine Technical Solutions, LLC Yorktown, VA
Dr. Leigh Armistead is the President of Peregrine Technical Solutions, a certified 8(a) small business that specializes in cyber security, and the Chief Editor of the Journal of Information Warfare. He graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy (1984), earned a master’s degree in Military History from Old Dominion University (1993), and a doctorate in Computer and Information Science from Edith Cowan University (2009). His major field of study is cyber power. He has published three books—all of which focus on the full spectrum of information warfare. He founded the International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, and the Vice-Chair Working Group 9.10–ICT Uses in Peace and War. He is a retired Naval officer.
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Journal of Information Warfare
The definitive publication for the best and latest research and analysis on information warfare, information operations, and cyber crime. Available in traditional hard copy or online.
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