Protecting Private Data Using Digital Rights Management

Changes in European legislation are forcing web-application providers to take greater responsibility with regard to keeping their users’ personal information private. One architectural solution that allows users of the system to stay in full control of their own personal information is a decentralised data model. This paper proposes a decentralised architectural model called DEPRIM, which makes use of Digital Rights Management (DRM) to enforce access control over personal information. The DEPRIM architecture allows users to stay in control of their data and controls the access of application providers.

Academy of Computer Science and Software Engineering University of Johannesburg
Johannesburg, South Africa
Jaco du Toit is currently employed as a lecturer at the University of Johannesburg, after 20 years in the computer industry. He is busy with his PhD studies, with the research focus on cyber security and mobile operating systems. His PhD research has delivered a number of articles about security on mobile operating systems. Before becoming a full-time lecturer, Jaco owned his own company that specialized in providing consulting work on Microsoft server systems.
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Journal of Information Warfare
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