Behavioral Profiling for Transparent Verification in Cloud Storage Services

Security is still the most sensitive issue in cloud storage services as services remain accessible to users for prolonged periods following an initial (usually simple) authentication. This issue has led to an increased vulnerability to potential attacks and sensitive customer information being misused. To that end, this paper investigates behavioural profiling for continuous and transparent authentication and assesses the legitimacy of users while they interact with an example cloud service—Dropbox. The best experimental result achieved an EER of 5.8%, based on an implementation using a real-life dataset. The results are encouraging and indicate the feasibility of detecting misuse in Dropbox.

Centre for Security, Communications and Network Research University of Plymouth, Plymouth
United Kingdom
Computer Science Department, Science College Diyala University, Diyala
Burhan Al-Bayati is currently a final-year PhD candidate at the Centre for Security, Communications & Network Research at the University of Plymouth (UK). He holds a BSC in computing from Baghdad University (Iraq), 2002, and an MSC in computing from Pune University (India), 2008-2010. Burhan’s research interests include information security, biometric authentication, and cloud security.

Centre for Security, Communications and Network Research University of Plymouth, Plymouth
United Kingdom
Security Research Institute Edith Cowan University Perth,
Professor Nathan Clarke is a Professor in Cyber Security and Digital Forensics at the University of Plymouth. He is also an adjunct Professor at Edith Cowan University in Australia. His research interests reside in the areas of information security, biometrics, forensics, and cloud security. Prof Clarke has over 200 outputs consisting of journal papers, conference papers, books, edited books, book chapters, and patents. He is the Chair of the IFIP TC11.12 Working Group on the Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance. Prof Clarke is a chartered engineer, a fellow of the British Computing Society (BCS), and a senior member of the IEEE.

Security Research Institute Edith Cowan University Perth,
Associate Professor Paul Haskell- Dowland is the Associate Dean for Computing and Security in the School of Science at Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia, and is an associate member of the Centre for Security, Communications & Network Research at the University of Plymouth in the United Kingdom. Paul has delivered keynotes, invited presentations, workshops, and seminars across the world for audiences including Sri Lanka CERT, ITU, and IEEE. He has more than 20 years of experience in cyber security research and education in both the UK and Australia.

School of Computing University of Portsmouth Portsmouth,
United Kingdom
Fudong Li is a lecturer in Cyber Security at the University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK. Dr Li is also a visiting lecturer at the University of Plymouth. His research interests are in the areas of biometric authentication and digital forensics; he has over 50 conference papers and journal articles in the aforementioned domains.
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Journal of Information Warfare
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