Implications of Privacy & Security Research for the Upcoming Battlefield of Things

This article presents the results of a trend-scouting study on the applicability of contemporary information privacy and information security research in future defence scenarios in a 25-year-horizon. The authors sketch the expected digital warfare and defence environment as a‘Battlefield of Things’ in which connected objects, connected soldiers, and automated and autonomous sensing and acting systems are core elements. Based on this scenario, the authors discuss current research in information security and information privacy and their relevance and applicability for the future scenario.

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Karlstad University, Karlstad,
Dr. Lothar Fritsch is currently working as a lecturer and researcher in Information Security at Karlstad University in Sweden. He works and teaches in topics of computer science, information and security, and information privacy. He was the coach of the winning team in the Swedish 9/12 Cyber Challenge 2017. Lothar’s work focuses on the analysis of security and privacy requirements in upcoming application areas. Particularly, he worked on the deployment of privacy functionality into new systems with respect to requirements engineering and verification, and the assessment of privacy risks and impact.

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Karlstad University, Karlstad,
Simone Fischer-Hübner has been a Full Professor at Karlstad University since June 2000, where she is the head of the Privacy & Security (PriSec)research group. She received a Diploma Degree in Computer Science with a minor in Law (1988), and a PhD (1992) and Habilitation (1999) degrees in Computer Science from Hamburg University. She has been conducting research in privacy and privacy-enhancing technologies for more than 30 years.
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Journal of Information Warfare
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