Personalised Information Warfare - The New Homeland Defense
The increasing potential to network-connect our appliances brings with it a growing susceptibility to Personalized Information Warfare attacks. Existing network enabled computers, mobile phones and personal data appliances have proven to be vulnerable to a wide range of threats. Manufactures are currently supplying the general public with Internet enabled refrigerators, air-conditioners, televisions, video recorders and washing machines that are connected to the home network, consequently moving the threat spectrum for attacks from cyberspace into the home. This paper explores the opportunities for highly targeted Personalized Information Warfare that the explosion of net enabled appliances and emergent broadband technologies currently presents.
E-commerce Security and Risk Management, Edith Cowan University
Craig Valli is a member of the School of MIS at Edith Cowan University where he lectures in E-commerce Security and Risk Management. He is currently completing a DBA and is pursuing a thesis in the area of Network Security. Mr Valli’s professional background is in network and security management. His research interests are in active network monitoring, defensive deception, intrusion detection, social engineering and trust.
Published In
Journal of Information Warfare
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