Accessing Security Incident Information on the Internet

Computer security Incident Response teams have emerged due to the increase of computer crime. These can be national, international or organization based. Maintaining a CSIRT poses a number of problems. In this paper the authors describe two of the technical problems that CSIRT’s have, the storage and the acquisition of incident data. The paper describes a system based on the CORBA model that can be used for the efficient management of the incident recording database. The proposal also provides for alternative ways of accessing the database by companies and security analysts.

Data Knowledge Engineering Research Group,
Meletis Belsis has been a member of the DKERG research group for the last three years. His main research interests are concentrated on Information Security. Additional interests include internet technologies and database development. Meletis completed his Honours degree at Coventry University in the area of Computer Science in 1998. He continued for a two year Masters by Research degree in Information Systems. After finishing his Masters by Research, he started a PhD degree in the area of Information Security at Coventry University. The main area of interest in his current research is security modelling and the development of an Enterprise Security Model.

Data Knowledge Engineering Research Group, Coventry University

Data Knowledge Engineering Research Group, Coventry University
Leonid Smalov received a BSc and an Msc from Southeast University China in 1992 and 1995. In 1999 he went on to receive my PhD from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Southeast University China. He is currently working as a lecturer for the School of Computing, Electronics and Maths at Coventry University.
Published In
Journal of Information Warfare
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