Teaching Competitive Intelligence and Cyberwarfare in a Business Context

Competitive intelligence has risen in profile over the past decade to become a key contributor to the survival of organizations operating in highly competitive environments. It is seen as an essential management tool in the current global marketplace. Several authors claim there is a need for the inclusion of competitive intelligence in Masters level studies however the area is rarely included in educational programs offered by tertiary institutions. This paper describes a course in competitive intelligence and cyberwarfare offered within IT-related Masters programs at Curtin University. The dominant teaching tool used is scenario work simulating realistic organizational situations incorporating competitive intelligence and cyberwarfare activities.

School of Information Systems, Curtin University
Helen Armstrong is a Senior Lecturer within the School of Information systems at Curtin University, Perth Western Australia. Helen’s work experience includes accounting, programming, systems analysis, project management, IS management, IS auditing, IT consulting and university lecturing. Her interests in the area of security include computer crime, network security, Internet security, information warfare, biometrics and security management. Helen’s doctoral studies related to the security of medical informatics. Helen is the international chair of the IFIP WG11.8 on Information Security Education.

Assistant Director, Defence Security Authority, Australian Department of Defence, Canberra
Jack Davey is the Assistant Director, Defence Security Authority for the Australian Department of Defence in Canberra, Australia. Prior to joining the Department of Defence, Jack worked in electronic engineering and communications in the aviation industry. One of Jack’s current areas of responsibility is security education within defence and the training of cyberwarriors.
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Journal of Information Warfare
The definitive publication for the best and latest research and analysis on information warfare, information operations, and cyber crime. Available in traditional hard copy or online.
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