Framing the Awareness Required for Maritime Information Warfare Using Historic Information Science Literature

Defining Maritime Information Warfare (MIW) as truly a warfare domain implies a need for awareness of friendly and adversarial activities within the domain, with such awareness typically referred to as situational awareness (SA). Here, the components of SA in the MIW domain are clarified through a study of the historical information science literature. This study identified a conceptual model of information and its use. This model was then juxtaposed with the Royal Canadian Navy’s view of MIW. A cyber example illustrates that an extremely broad set of inputs are required for SA in MIW.

Defence Research and Development Canada – Atlantic Research Center
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
Anthony W. Isenor is a scientist in the Maritime Decision Support Section at Defence R&D Canada – Atlantic Research Centre. He has an MSc in Physical Oceanography from Dalhousie University. He has led projects dealing with technologies for trusted Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA), situational information for enabling awareness of northern approaches to Canada, is past member of the NATO research group on Semantic Interoperability (for example, IST-075) and current member of NATO IST-168 researching adaptive information processing and distribution to support military command and control. He has extensive experience with vocabularies, geospatial information, information exchange models, maritime domain awareness, and the management of maritime information.

Defence Research and Development Canada -Ottawa Research Center
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Susan Watson is a Defence Scientist at Defence R&D Canada – Ottawa Research Centre with expertise in electromagnetic (EM) cyber warfare, and cybersecurity of tactical networks. Her research focuses on wireless network health and vulnerabilities, and EM cyberattack detection. Ms. Watson holds master’s and bachelor’s degrees in Applied Science, Electrical Engineering, from the University of Ottawa.
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Journal of Information Warfare
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