The Space of Influence: Developing a New Method to Conceptualise Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference on Social Media

Foreign information manipulation and interference (FIMI) on social media is a fast- evolving threat to democracies. However, there is a growing need to systematically conceptualise the phenomenon. General Morphological Analysis seeks to explore the totalities of a complex problem, but is restricted by simplification. Using and modifying the method expands the morphological space. This expansion and relying on statistical calculation expose internal interdependencies of the phenomenon. Operation design is largely dependent on five parameters: ‘spread strategy’, ‘information channelling’, ‘market targeting’, ‘presented source’, and ‘operational openness’. These parameters are more likely to affect other parameters and thereby define significant aspects of a FIMI operation.

The Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI)
Kjeller, Norway
Paul Magnus Hjertvik Buvarp is a Senior Research Fellow at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment. He holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the University of St Andrews on British propaganda in Norway between 1916 and 1946. His research areas are propaganda and foreign influence, hybrid threats, and societal security.
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Journal of Information Warfare
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