“Information operations do not worry me” – The Role of Credible Information on Digital Platforms

The results of the qualitative, multidisciplinary, and explorative research show that young people use various digital platforms to shape their understanding of facts and fiction. This research asks: 1) To what degree do young people between 16-29 years old use digital platforms as sources of information or news? and 2) To what degree are young people between 16-29 years old aware of disinformation campaigns on social media platforms? Out of all the n=362 young, anonymous, and volunteer research participants, everyone used various digital platforms as a source for credible information and news. Fake news or information operations did not concern young people directly, and they did not perceive themselves as targets of information operations. However, the power of AI,

Docent in political science
Faculty of Management and business and Faculty of Social Sciences Tampere University,
Tampere, Finland
Niina Meriläinen, works as a docent in political science, researcher, and research project leader on multidisciplinary research projects at Tampere University, Finland. Her international research focuses on multidisciplinary communication, information operations, ICT, media, human rights, political credibility, and power relations.
Published In
Journal of Information Warfare
The definitive publication for the best and latest research and analysis on information warfare, information operations, and cyber crime. Available in traditional hard copy or online.
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