Effects-Based Ideas: An Opinion-Based Examination

This is an opinion paper of an examination of effects-based ideas. It examines the idea from its fundamental concept. This is developed to examine its broader application to more than air force operations to almost any project concerning military, social, political, and business. In fact, this approach can be used wherever effects of project development have external implications outside systems boundaries and where unforeseen internal implications can affect society.

Security Research Institute Edith Cowan University
Perth, Australia.
Professor Bill Hutchinson was Foundation IBM Chair in Information Security at Edith Cowan University in Western Australia. He was Director of SECAU (Security Research Centre) and was coordinator of the Information Operations and Security programmes. From 2000 to 2010, he was the Chief Editor and founder of the Journal of Information Warfare.
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Journal of Information Warfare
The definitive publication for the best and latest research and analysis on information warfare, information operations, and cyber crime. Available in traditional hard copy or online.
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