An Analysis of Current 802.11 Wireless Network Layer One and Two Attacks and Possible Preventative Measures

The last 2 years has seen a major increase in the number of users of wireless networks, for both public and private use. Initially, there were a number of problems with data security, such as WEP, that made wireless networks vulnerable to attack. While data security has been increased through the use of tougher encryption and other methods, newer attacks based on lower levels are emerging. Layer 1 is the physical medium used to send the signal, in this case radio frequency, with connection and management handled by the MAC sub-layer of layer 2. Tools such as Airjack and Void11 can be used to launch DDoS and man-in-the-middle attacks against layer 2 of wireless networks, with jamming attacks used against the Physical layer.

Security Research Centre Edith Cowan University
Western Australia
Andrew Woodward is a lecturer in wireless networking with the School of Computer and Information Science at Edith Cowan University. Andrew has presented papers in wireless network security and wireless security management. Current areas of research include wireless 802.11 vulnerabilities, RFID tags, intrusion detection, wireless honeypots and computer clustering.
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Journal of Information Warfare
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