Volume 4, Issue 1 Editorial

February 2005
The fourth volume of the JIW has seven papers that reflect the variety of topics in the Information Warfare (Operations) discipline. The first by Geoffrey Darton explores the relationship of International Law and Information Warfare. Next Montgomery McFate takes us into the mysterious world of North Korea and examines the American perspective on the issues that could help influence operations with that state. Cecilia Andrews investigates belief systems and how belief networks can assist in Information Warfare strategies. Cameron Wells examines the differences between the US and Australian concepts of Network Centric Warfare.
The next two papers concentrate on more technical issues. EmikoTerado and Patricia Williams look at the security implications surrounding PDAs in a healthcare environment, whilst Schatz et al.,.,., look at classifying computer related crime. Finally, Norman Emery, an experienced professional, gives us his studied opinion on whether ‘cyber-terrorism’ really exists.
New chief editor joins
It is with great pleasure that I announce that Dr Craig Valli has agreed to share some of the work of the Chief Editor. Craig’s expertise in the areas of computer forensics and network/wireless security make him ideal to assess the more technical submissions received.
Special notice
On a sadder note, it has come to my belated knowledge this week of the death of Dr Bowyer Bell whose work in the area of deception was certainly an inspiration to me. I announce this with deep regret. I am sure the readership of JIW will extend their sympathy to his family and friends. If any of you are researchers in the area of deception, I would like to produce a special issue in this area of study and dedicated it to Bowyer Bell and his work. If you are interested, please email me with your idea for a paper and I can get this organised.
Bill Hutchinson
Email: w.hutchinson@ecu.edu.au

Security Research Institute Edith Cowan University
Perth, Australia.
Professor Bill Hutchinson was Foundation IBM Chair in Information Security at Edith Cowan University in Western Australia. He was Director of SECAU (Security Research Centre) and was coordinator of the Information Operations and Security programmes. From 2000 to 2010, he was the Chief Editor and founder of the Journal of Information Warfare.
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Journal of Information Warfare
The definitive publication for the best and latest research and analysis on information warfare, information operations, and cyber crime. Available in traditional hard copy or online.
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