Information Terrorism in the New Security Environment

Over the years there have been many interpretations of what constitutes Information Terrorism. This paper reviews literature on Information Warfare and Terrorism to deduce what the threat of Information Terrorism is considered to be in the new security environment. This provides a deduced interpretation/definition of Information Terrorism, which is explained by outlining the threat itself, and its potential impact, capability and advantages. The positives that can be derived to counter it are then examined. The paper concludes with remarks that Information Terrorism is a major dynamic contributing to a new national security environment.

School of Management, Edith Cowan University
Western Australia
Ken Webb is a doctoral candidate finalising an Australian government funded doctoral level research project into enhancing national security from the information operations of terrorist groups. After graduating from the Royal Military College, he previously served mainly as a qualified commissioned officer with the SAS and other special operations units, such as commanding strategic counter-terrorist, intelligence-gathering and unconventional warfare elements, where he also focused on special operations in the information warfare area. Upon leaving the military he worked globally in the information operations field.
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Journal of Information Warfare
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