The Role of Dynamic Security Policy in Military Scenarios

The military is moving towards Network Enabled Capability (NEC) where the emphasis is on resource sharing within national contingents and on a coalition basis, facilitated by the Network. Future capability is predicated on the core attribute of agility. NEC is expected to enable the dynamic formation of communities of interest and the rapid reorganisation of resources as required by military commanders. Through the application of a suitable security policy framework to a small-scale case study, this paper tests the assertion that the ability to express, verify and implement flexible security policy is essential to achieve the agility required.

Faculty of Computing Engineering and Media De Montfort University Leicester,
United Kingdom
Prof. Helge Janicke is the Technical Director of De Montfort University’s Cyber Technology Institute. He is the Head of School of Computer Science and Informatics. His interests are covering formal verification techniques and their application to CyberSecurity, SCADA, and Industrial Control System Security as well as aspects of Cyber Warfare. He established DMU’s Airbus Group Centre of Excellence in SCADA Cyber Security and Forensics Research in 2013. He is a general chair of the International Symposium on SCADA and Industrial Control Systems Cyber Security Research (ICS-CSR). He serves on the editorial board and as reviewer for a number of international journals.

General Dynamics UK, Newbridge, Communications Research Centre, Cardiff University, Cardiff
Linda Finch is employed by General Dynamics United Kingdom Limited as a Security Research Engineer. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D, sponsored by the organisation, and is affiliated to Cardiff University. Her research interests lie in engineering ‘Fit for Purpose Security’ through the synthesis of security policy, control mechanism and architecture, where the security profile of a system may be dynamically modified in accordance with changes detected in the external environment.
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Journal of Information Warfare
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