Volume 7, Issue 3 Editorial

This final edition of JIW for 2008 covers vulnerability in IPSec tunnels, malware analysis, wireless deployment in the defence forces, and a discussion of the lessons that could be learnt from modern military conflict.
The first paper is an opinion piece by Jeffrey Jones and Phil Taylor who present an interesting viewpoint on the lessons that could be learnt from recent conflicts to improve strategic communication and the ‘war on terror’. The second paper, by Eric Filiol, Frederic Jennequin and Guillaume Delaunay, covers information leakage due to vulnerabilities in IPSec tunnels using malware attacks. Following on with the malware theme, the subsequent paper by Fadi El-moussa and Andy Jones investigates static and dynamic malware analysis. The final paper in this issue discusses the possibilities for defence force deployment of wireless networks and is authored by Drew McEniery and Andrew Woodward.
This is the last issue in which I will be standing in as editor, as Bill Hutchison returns from leave in January. I have had an interesting year and learnt many lessons in editorship as a consequence. My thanks go to Bill for giving me the opportunity to undertake this task, which despite the occasional problems has been both informative and enjoyable. My thanks also goes to all the authors and reviewers (who take on the task voluntarily) who have responded to my many editorial requests. Your timely responses were highly appreciated.
Finally, the journal is always seeking quality papers for publication. Whilst, most papers are of an academic nature, we also welcome papers with opinions on relevant topics from knowledgeable persons. Such papers do not require such rigorous analysis by peers. All submissions can be emailed directly to Bill at w.hutchinson@ecu.edu.au
Dr Trish Williams,

School of Computer and Information Science, Edith Cowan University
Western Australia
Patricia Williams is a lecturer in the School of Computer and Information Science at Edith Cowan University where she lectures in networking, medical informatics and decision support systems. Trish has a background in medical computing and networking, and a keen interest in electronic information use. Trish is also undertaking her PhD in the use of electronic information and medical decision making.
Published In
Journal of Information Warfare
The definitive publication for the best and latest research and analysis on information warfare, information operations, and cyber crime. Available in traditional hard copy or online.
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