A New Extended Evolutionary Game Theory Approach to Strategic Information Warfare Research

The extended evolutionary game theory (EEGT) extends traditional evolutionary game theory (EGT) with survival analysis and agreement algorithms. Survival analysis, a branch of modern biostatistics, is adopted to model the consequences of the so-termed UUUR (Uncertain, latent, Unobserved or Unobservable Risks) events. Agreement algorithms can be the Agreement algorithms from the traditional fault-tolerant distributed computing or any problem-specific (user-defined) algorithms (constraints) that allow game players to dynamically check and 'vote' for a possible consensus. The EEGT was initiated in the study of reliability and survivability of distributed computer networks and is particularly suitable for addressing critical issues such as dynamic uncertainty, vulnerability, frailty, and deception, which are often associated with distributed systems under stressed environments where the occurrence of UUUR events is the norm. Strategic information warfare (SIW) clearly falls within the scope of such systems. In this paper, the EEGT is introduced to the modelling of SIW from a three-layer (tactical, strategic and operational levels) perspective. When applied to SIW, a tertiary extension to EEGT with hedging principle is necessary at the operational level, similar to the application of the EEGT to survivability analysis.

Computational Biology and Medical Ecology Laboratory, State Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Evolution Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming,
Zhanshan (Sam) Ma is a Professor and the Director of Computational Biology and Medical Ecology Lab at Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received double PhD degrees in Computer Science (2008) and Entomology (1997), both from the University of Idaho, USA. He is a member of London-based “Faculty of 1000 Biology and Medicine” and the editor-in-chief of Int. J. of Computational Microbiology and Medical Ecology, and Int. J. of Cyberspace Sciences and Emergency Management. Dr. Ma holds endowed professor appointments from Chinese Academy of Sciences (i.e., The 100-Talented Principal Investigators) and Yunnan Provincial Government (i.e., The Top Talents in Science and Technology), respectively. He has published over 70 peer-refereed papers in premier platforms of Computer Science and Biology such as IEEE Transactions on Reliability and Science Translational Medicine.
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Journal of Information Warfare
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