Command, Influence and Information in 3D Tactics

This paper has three objectives. Firstly, critically examine the triatic relationship between ‘Command’, ‘Influence’ and ‘Information’ in three dimensional (3D) tactics. Secondly, explain how this relationship enables the 3D tactics of rhizome manoeuvre. Thirdly, explain the role of command, information and influence as a mechanism for achieving battle coordination, and operational supremacy. In undertaking addressing these questions, the paper reviews the current literature on 3D tactics, outlining how this approach has developed and its major conclusions, leading to the key question posed in this paper - How does Boyd’s OODA conception actually work in circumstances illustrated by 3D tactics scenarios? And, how do people actually communicate information to others in this complex environment? As well, the paper looks at a group of corollary issues, as to the origin and nature of the distinction between command and control (C2), and the alternative command and influence (CI). As well, with in this context the internalisation at an individual level of information concepts and the implications of these in terms of understanding the different C2 and CI paradigms.

Terrorism Research Centre, Washington DC
Christopher Flaherty is a Senior Research Associate at the Terrorism Research Center in Washington, D.C. He has a PhD in Economic Relations from the University of Melbourne with a focus on networking. Following this, he pursued a career in defence and security research in the Australian Department of Defence. Dr. Flaherty has been based in London since 2008. A Senior Research Associate of the Terrorism Research Center (TRC), he regularly contributes to its current publications. He is also the co-primary author of Body Cavity Bombers: The New Martyrs (iUniverse 2013). Two essays of his from 2003 and 2010 were reprinted in the TRC book: Fifth Dimensional Operations (iUniverse 2014). He is also the author of Australian Manoeuvrist Strategy (Seaview Press 1996). He has been an active contributor on security, terrorism early warning, and related international intelligence issues, including tactics, techniques, and procedures analysis, published in the TRC report ‘Dangerous Minds’ (2012). He also has a long-term involvement in the microsimulation and risk modelling group.
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Journal of Information Warfare
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