Volume 9, Issue 1 Editorial

April, 2010
Welcome to the first issue of JIW for 2010 and the 25th issue overall. Professor Bill Hutchinson formally retired in January 2010, and without his tireless efforts the journal would not have established itself as such a strong contributor to the research field that we broadly refer to as Information Warfare. In his place, the Journal now boasts a team of three academics (Professor Matthew Warren, Professor Craig Valli, and Dr Leigh Armistead) who will directly guide me into producing future issues of JIW.
This issue has five papers. The first paper by Ruighaver examines the need for a different approach to information security by including the key elements of agility and innovation so that a ubiquitous approach to security might be both realistic and useful. The second paper by Chamberlain observes some emerging factors in social networking by looking at disinformation that is both deliberately and accidentally generated by Twitter. The third paper by Flaherty describes the relationship between “Command, Influence, and Information” and applies the use of 3D tactics to achieve operational supremacy and higher quality battle coordination. Davis’ work on information security initiatives considers the need to understand how we engage the senses through perception management and the use of global music culture. Finally Ahmad looks at various tactics used in asymmetrical warfare that occur in both physical and digital environments.
David Cook
Coordinating Editor
Published In
Journal of Information Warfare
The definitive publication for the best and latest research and analysis on information warfare, information operations, and cyber crime. Available in traditional hard copy or online.
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