Volume 5, Issue 3 Editorial

November 2006
The last issue for 2006 includes a paper on propaganda, two on deception and another on the state of Belgian intelligence agencies. Taylor starts by outlining and critiquing the West’s propaganda effort after illustrating its past. A renowned expert in this area, it would be interesting to see some comments about his assertions from readers. In the first paper on deception Yuill, Denning, and Feer posit a model for deceptive hiding. The second paper on this topic is by Brumley, Kopp, and Korb who examine the orientation stage of the OODA loop and its relationship to deception and self-deception. Vanhorenbeeck closes this issue with an evaluation of Belgian and European intelligence services.
It is pleasing to see such distinguished academics contributing to the journal. Please keep the papers coming in. Your contributions help keep the Information Operations community informed of work going on around the globe. The authors provide this service and I hope they continue to do so.
Bill Hutchinson
Email: w.hutchinson@ecu.edu.au
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Journal of Information Warfare
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