Dominating the Attacker: Use of Intelligence and Counterintelligence in Cyberwarfare
In the event of cyberwarfare the defender must harden the attacker’s target by secure design,a defined security perimeter, and a suite of tools. Indeed, the defender must be ever alert and ready to react to attack. Over many years, defenders in traditional warfare have learned to predict the style, magnitude and possible outcomes of a physical attack, and how to deceive and confuse an attacker with the objective of changing the outcome. Perhaps the cyberwarfare defender can take a similar approach, by employing intelligence and counterintelligence techniques that are superior to those of the attacker.
Assistant Director, Defence Security Authority, Australian Department of Defence, Canberra
Jack Davey is the Assistant Director, Defence Security Authority for the Australian Department of Defence in Canberra, Australia. Prior to joining the Department of Defence, Jack worked in electronic engineering and communications in the aviation industry. One of Jack’s current areas of responsibility is security education within defence and the training of cyberwarriors.
School of Information Systems, Curtin University
Helen Armstrong is a Senior Lecturer within the School of Information systems at Curtin University, Perth Western Australia. Helen’s work experience includes accounting, programming, systems analysis, project management, IS management, IS auditing, IT consulting and university lecturing. Her interests in the area of security include computer crime, network security, Internet security, information warfare, biometrics and security management. Helen’s doctoral studies related to the security of medical informatics. Helen is the international chair of the IFIP WG11.8 on Information Security Education.
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Journal of Information Warfare
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