The Image of Unanimity: The Utility of the Promotion and Disparagement of Cultural and Social Unanimity as a Form of Context Manipulation in Information Warfare in the Aftermath of the Attacks of September 11, 2001

In this paper we examine the use of context manipulation as an offensive information warfare strategy with particular reference to the specific strategies related to assertions of cultural unity or disunity in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York City. The competing rhetoric of the Bush administration and Osama bin Laden’s organization is studied. Success criteria are proposed for context manipulation through assertions of unity and disunity. Examples of successful and failed attempts to manipulate information context are studied to verify the proposed criteria.

Managing Consultant with SecureNet Ltd., Melbourne, Victoria
Andrew Walls is a Managing Consultant with SecureNet Ltd. of Melbourne, Victoria (Australia). His consulting practice focuses on information security in corporate environments with particular emphasis on policy, enforcement, investigations, and intrusion detection. He has worked in the security industry for over eight years and formerly held information security positions with BankWest (Perth, Australia), Coflexip Stena Offshore (Paris), and Pennsylvania State University. He has taught Information Technology and Computer Security courses for Curtin University (Perth), Pennsylvania State University, and the College of the Siskiyous (California). In 1981 Andrew received a Masters in Business Administration from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
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Journal of Information Warfare
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