If You Go Down to the Internet Today – Deceptive Honeypots

This is preliminary research into the effectiveness of deceptive defensive measures in particular honeypots that use deceit as a primary defensive and offensive mechanism. Initial research has been conducted using the Deception Tool Kit and its ability to fool commonly available network scanning tools such as Nessus and Nmap The preliminary research indicates that these deceptive tools have a place in modern network defense architecture.

School of Computer and Information Science, Edith Cowan University
Suen Yek is a doctoral candidate within the School of Computer and Information Science at Edith Cowan University in Perth, Western Australia. Her research is on wireless honeynets and the application of deceptive mechanisms for countermeasures against network attacks. Suen holds a Bachelor of Science (Software Engineering) with Honours and a Bachelor of Business (Marketing).

E-commerce Security and Risk Management, Edith Cowan University
Craig Valli is a member of the School of MIS at Edith Cowan University where he lectures in E-commerce Security and Risk Management. He is currently completing a DBA and is pursuing a thesis in the area of Network Security. Mr Valli’s professional background is in network and security management. His research interests are in active network monitoring, defensive deception, intrusion detection, social engineering and trust.
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Journal of Information Warfare
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