Twitter as a Vector for Disinformation

Twitter is a social network that represents a powerful information channel with the potential to be a useful vector for disinformation. This paper examines the structure of the Twitter social network and how this structure has facilitated the passing of disinformation both accidental and deliberate. Examples of the use of Twitter as an information channel are examined from recent events. The possible effects of Twitter disinformation on the information sphere are explored as well as the defensive responses users are developing to protect against tainted information.

School of Computer & Security Science Edith Cowan University,
Paul Chamberlain is an information security specialist working for Australia's Department of Defence. Currently Mr. Chamberlain is assigned as an exchange officer to Canada to support Computer Network Defence operations. Mr. Chamberlain holds two degrees from Murdoch University and is currently pursuing a postgraduate degree at Edith Cowan University.
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Journal of Information Warfare
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