Volume 15, Issue 3 Editorial

Summer 2016
Cyber Security is certainly the hot topic of 2016 and this latest version of JIW reflects that emphasis. We have a wide spectrum of papers in this edition, with a diverse group of authors from around the world who have contributed to this edition. I think that you will find it very interesting and thought provoking.
For those who are looking for additional opportunities to publish academic articles in these areas, the next ICCWS conference is confirmed for Wright State University (Dayton, Ohio) in March 2017, and the next three ECWWS conferences are tentatively set, as shown below:
The 16th European Conference on Cyber Warfare & Security will be held at Universit College Dublin in July 2017.
The 17th European Conference on Cyber Warfare & Security will be held in Oslo, Norway in July 2018.
The 18th European Conference on Cyber Warfare & Security will be held at the University of Coimbra in Portugal in July 2019.
The Edith Cowan University Security Research Institute in Perth, Australia will also hold the 2016 SRI Security Congress in the late November-early December timeframe, with details at
Two other conferences that are always of interest are the CyCon 2017 event in Tallinn, Estonia next Spring and its new U.S. counterpart. The former will focus on the fundamental aspects of cyber security with a theme of Defending the Core. The 9th International Conference on Cyber Conflict will be held in Tallinn from May 30 through June 2, 2017. CyCon is organised by the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence. Every year, over 500 decision-makers and experts from government, military, and industry from all over the world approach the conference’s key theme from legal, technological, and strategic perspectives, often in an interdisciplinary manner. The latter is a new collaboration between West Point (U.S. Military Academy) and the NATO CCDCOE, with its first event in October 2016 in Washington, D.C.
Finally, we are always looking for good reviewers for JIW. If you are interested, please contact me or email our staff at jiw@gbpts.com. We need additional researchers to help us to conduct a double blind peer review assessment, and those who do so will be listed in the journal.
Dr. Leigh Armistead, CISSP
Chief Editor, Journal of Information Warfare

Peregrine Technical Solutions, LLC Yorktown, VA
Dr. Leigh Armistead is the President of Peregrine Technical Solutions, a certified 8(a) small business that specializes in cyber security, and the Chief Editor of the Journal of Information Warfare. He graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy (1984), earned a master’s degree in Military History from Old Dominion University (1993), and a doctorate in Computer and Information Science from Edith Cowan University (2009). His major field of study is cyber power. He has published three books—all of which focus on the full spectrum of information warfare. He founded the International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, and the Vice-Chair Working Group 9.10–ICT Uses in Peace and War. He is a retired Naval officer.
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Journal of Information Warfare
The definitive publication for the best and latest research and analysis on information warfare, information operations, and cyber crime. Available in traditional hard copy or online.
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