Towards the Development of a Neo4j Tool for Cloud Client Forensics

This article proposes the development of open-source client forensic artefacts’ knowl- edgebase that uses Neo4j as the graph database which allows for the prompt location of eviden- tial artefacts. The authors ran experiments to identify artefacts created when the commonly used devices are used to access some cloud storage services. For each artefact, the knowledgebase contains the cloud storage service accessed, the device and the platform used, the activity that generated it, a description of the created artefacts, and the event/activity making the object. The authors conclude that the developed prototype can enhance the investigation process by timely identifying artefacts that may be used to prove usage of a cloud storage service.

Computer Science Department Bowie State University, Bowie, Maryland,
United States
Rose Shumba is the Chair and Professor for the Computer Science Department at Bowie State University. Before joining Bowie State University, she was a Professor in the Cyber Science Department at the USNA. Professor Shumba’s research interests include secure software engineering, IoT and security, cloud forensics, mobile forensics, software validation, and verification gender and computer science/cyber security. She is a member of NIST Cloud Computing Working Group (WG), IFIP WG 11.9, on Digital Forensics, ACM Special Interest Group in Computer Science Education, and the American Educational Research Association (AERA).

Ivy School of Business, Supply Chain and Information Systems Department Iowa State University Ames, Iowa
United States
Joram Ngwenya is an Assistant Teaching Professor in the Ivy College of Business, department of Information Systems and Business Analytics at Iowa State University of Science and Technology. He is a Neo4j Certified Professional.
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Journal of Information Warfare
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