Building an Improved Taxonomy for IA Education Resources in PRISM

To address a perceived lack of availability of educational resources for students and educators in the field of information assurance, Regis University and the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) have begun development of a web portal to store and make available to the public information security-related educational materials. The portal is named the Public Repository for Information Security Materials (PRISM). In this paper, we begin with a review of the initial vision for PRISM. We then discuss the development and maintenance of a deterministic discipline-specific vocabulary, along with the results of mapping curricular content to our initial set of terms. Out of the eight material descriptions used in our evaluation, five could be clearly mapped to the initial vocabulary, one could partially be mapped, and three did not contain any clearly mappable terms.

Regis University,
Denver, CO
Vincent Garramone holds a Master's degree in information assurance from Regis University. His professional interests include network defense, digital forensics, and information assurance education. Vincent currently works in the National Capitol Region as an information security specialist.

Regis University, Denver CO
Professor Likarish holds a master’s of science degree in geophysics from the University of Washington, Seattle, and is an assistant professor in the School of Computing and Information Sciences with responsibility for Information Assurance program coordination, students and research. As director of the CIAS research, his teaching interests are in the design and implementation of student cyber-security competitions and security of critical SCADA infrastructure and virtualization of student lab exercises. He is CTO for the Academic Research Network (ARN, the SCIS cloud provides experiential learning opportunities with various virtualization hardware, infrastructure and operating systems. He is regional Director of the RMCCDC (Rocky Mountain Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition). He is a board member for the CISSE, Colloquium. He is on the board of directors for the National CCDC, the American African Higher Education Project; locally he serves on the Community College of Aurora Computer Science Advisor.
His faculty webpage can be accessed at:
Published In
Journal of Information Warfare
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